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Ep 250 – A fundraising evening of entertainment in memory of John Collins

This week… We go to London for an evening of entertainment arranged by the Triskellion Theatre Company. Hosted by Patrick O’Connell OBE and Gerry Molumby, the evening pays tribute to John Collins, a friend and supporter of the Triskellion Theatre Company for over twenty five years. John died during lockdown from Covid after suffering heart problems. We talk to his family and friends at this lively fundraising event.

Taking place at the Salvatorian College in Harrow, with entertainment by the London Celtic Youth Orchestra, Terence O’Flaherty and Slim Attraction, the evening bounces along.

Michael Lonergan from the Embassy of Ireland in London talks to us along with many others.
A passionate supporter of all things Irish, John Collins would be telling you to sit back and enjoy the craic!

For more information…
Salvatorian College… salvatoriancollege.com
For more about Triskellion Theatre Company, google them and look for… irelandanditsdiaspora.com/triskellion-irish-theatre-and-concert-productions
Find London-based singer/songwriter Terence O’Flaherty on Facebook
Find London Celtic Youth Orchestra on Facebook
Slim Attraction is on Facebook @SlimAttraction
Supported charities –
British Heart Foundation… bhf.org.uk
Michael Sobell Hospice… michaelsobellhospice.org

Watch the Irish in the UK every Thursday night at 7.30pm on SKY 191 or Freesat 162. Repeated on Tuesday at 1 pm

To advertise in the UK section of the show please call Martin Logan 07808 573 142 alternatively email martinloganmanchester@gmail.com