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Ep 253 – St Patrick’s Day Parade in Manchester & Irish Minister visits Irish Community Care

This week…
In Part 1, we’re joining in the St Patrick’s day celebrations in Manchester. Starting with fireworks and funfair rides, we move on to the Irish World Heritage Centre for mass and traditional dance, courtesy of Justine Ward-Mallinson School of Irish Dancing and then out on to streets to “party” through town. After no parades because of Covid, we’re back in business and despite the short notice and very quick turnaround, lots of happiness and colourful floats. A really great turn out to support the people of Ukraine too. We hear from Carina O’Brien – Irish Vice Consul and Manchester’s Lord Mayor amongst others.
In Part 2, we talk to Minister of State, Sean Fleming TD as he visits the people at Irish Community Care. They provide essential to support for the local community. We move on to another St Patrick’s day celebration at the Irish World Heritage centre organised by the Irish Consulate. Great music across the day provided by Grace Kelly and Anita Ryan

For more information…
Irish World Heritage Centre… iwhc.com
For Justine Ward-Mallinson School of Irish Dancing, search for Ward-Mallinson Dance on Facebook
For Grace Kelly, search for “Traditional Irish Music with Grace Kelly”
Anita Ryan… anitaryan.co.uk

Watch the Irish in the UK every Thursday night at 7.30pm on SKY 191 or Freesat 162. Repeated on Tuesday at 1 pm

To advertise in the UK section of the show please call Martin Logan 07808 573 142 alternatively email martinloganmanchester@gmail.com