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Ep 258 – Yorkshire Entry for Rose of Tralee & Charity Night for Rosemere Cancer Foundation

This week…

In Part 1, we’re at the Leeds Irish Centre selecting the 2022 Yorkshire representative for the Rose of Tralee. Lots of music and dance And we reveal this year’s Yorkshire Rose. They’ll be off to Tralee to join the other regional winners, building up to the grand finale in August. The Rose of Tralee Festival, now in its 63rd year is celebrated by Irish communities all over the world and was inspired by a 19th-century song about “Mary”, “The Rose of Tralee”.

In Part 2, we off to St Mary’s Parish Centre in Chorley for a fundraising evening in aid of the Rosemere Cancer Foundation.
This charity supports the Rosemere Cancer Centre at the Royal Preston Hospital. Around 200 patients visit the centre every day for cancer diagnosis and treatment, including chemotherapy, immunotherapy and radiotherapy.
Amongst others, we meet Dan Hill from the Foundation and the organiser of the event, Denis Ashcroft.
A good evening of entertainment from Sean Leonard and Lindsay, all in a good cause.

For more information…
Rose of Tralee… www.roseoftralee.ie
St Mary’s Parish Centre Social Club is on Facebook
Rosemere Cancer Foundation… rosemere.org.uk

Watch the Irish in the UK every Thursday night at 7.30pm on SKY 191 or Freesat 162. Repeated on Tuesday at 1 pm

To advertise in the UK section of the show please call Martin Logan 07808 573 142 alternatively email martinloganmanchester@gmail.com