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Ep 268 – Warrington Irish Centre Irish Culture Day, GAA at Warrington and Seamus Fitzimmons sings us out

This week’s programme comes from Warrington
In Part 1… We’re at the Warrington Irish Centre for a day of Irish culture. Organised in association with The Gathering, the club was full to capacity. Lots of entertainment from the Robinson Irish Dance Academy, the D’Ukes of Longbarn (a ukulele orchestra) and Seamus Fitzsimmons.
With interviews from the team that organised the day, it’s a lively event with lots of dance and music!
In part 2… we chat to Martin Lonergan who has organised Social Hurling in Warrington. This is hurling for any age and any ability. You get to play a slower version of the world’s fastest game!
Also, we meet Conor Teague who is setting up an Oisín GAA Club Underage team.

And we play out the show with Seamus Fitzsimmons’ new song
For more information…
Warrington Irish Club can be found on Facebook
Robinson Irish Dance Acadamy… on Facebook… @RobisonIrishDanceAcadamy
Longbarn Ukulele Orchestra… on Facebook, search for Longbarn Ukulele
Manchester Oisin GAA Club… on Facebook… OisinCLG.Manchester – Sports Club
Warrington Social Hurling can be found on Facebook
Seamus Fitzsimmons can be found on Facebook… @fitzsimmonsmusic

Watch the Irish in the UK every Thursday night at 7.30pm on SKY 191 or Freesat 162. Repeated on Tuesday at 1 pm

To advertise in the UK section of the show please call Martin Logan 07808 573 142 alternatively email martinloganmanchester@gmail.com