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Ep 278 – An Evening of Entertainment at the Grym’s Dyke Hotel and Caring for Older Relatives with Dementia

In Part 1…  We’re at the Grym’s Dyke Hotel in London for an evening of entertainment hosted by Gerry Molumby and Patrick O’Connell of the Triskellion Theatre Company. There’s entertainment from Gerry himself and great music from Mary Rose and Terence O’Flaherty. Terence is famed for his track “Return to Camden”, which highlights his early life as a labourer. A lively part 1 with lots of music, laughs and interviews.

In Part 2…  We meet Justine Ward-Mallinson and Michael Dowd and talk about their experiences dealing with elderly parents that have dementia. The UK government has some structures in place to help but how good are they and how well promoted are they? The help and support that you need as a carer is very difficult to come by, as you are confronted with lots of bureaucracy and there seems to be a genuine short-fall of aid.

We talk to Rachel Yates Hoyles who project manages “Empowered Conversations”, part of Age UK in Salford. This service provides support for those directly affected by Dementia.

Maybe you can relate to these stories and have your own experiences?

For more information…

Grym’s Dyke Hotel… grimsdyke.com

Search “Return to Camden” on your favourite media player

Mary Rose can be found on Facebook “Mary Rose and Her Band”

Empowered Conversations on Facebook @EmpoweredConversationsDementia

Age UK Salford, www.ageuk.org.uk/salford

REMEMBER!! If you also watch on Sky, we’re now on channel 186… same time, just new channel.

Watch the Irish in the UK every Thursday night at 7.30pm on SKY 186 or Freesat 162. Repeated on Tuesday at 1 pm

To advertise in the UK section of the show please call Martin Logan 07808 573 142 alternatively email martinloganmanchester@gmail.com