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Ep 287 – On-board the LÉ William Butler Yeats Vessel and Irish Dance Feis in Warrington

In Part 1… We’re on-board the Irish Naval Service’s LÉ William Butler Yeats, offshore patrol vessel. Ireland’s waters are ten times the size of its land mass and is the largest maritime state in the EU. Having a patrol ship like the LÉ William Butler Yeats is essential in protecting Ireland’s sovereign interests at sea.

Commanding Officer Paul Hegarty welcomed us aboard at an event organised by Sarah Mangan, Consul General for Ireland and Vice Consul Carina O’Brien, both from the North of England Irish Embassy. Important members of the Irish community were also invited to celebrate this special visit of an Irish Naval ship to Newcastle.

Fiona Flood, Deputy Irish Ambassador, travelled up from London to join in the celebration and highlighted the huge contribution that the Irish community have made, and continue to make, to the UK. We also talk to Seana O’Connor, from the crew of the William Butler Yeats, and find out about her experiences during her first year at sea.

With great music and an insight into Naval life, this is a celebration of all things Irish.


In part 2… We set sail back down to Warrington for an evening of dance at the Irish Centre. Nicola and Emma Robinson from the Robinson Irish Dance Academy introduce us to this celebration of traditional dance. At this Irish dance Feis, there’s all ages and all abilities, including some dynamic moves from the mums and dads that’s just not to be missed!

Jacqueline Brereton and Frank O’Brien talk us through why Warrington Club is going from strength to strength.

Dust off your dancing shoes and get moving and you could be the one on the stage getting a trophy!

Ships, Sailors, Songs and Skilful Steps! How do we get so much in a Show?

And if you’re wondering, LÉ stands for Long Éireannach, or “Irish Ship”


For more information…

Irish Embassy in Manchester… www.dfa.ie/irish-consulate/manchester

Warrington Irish Club is on Facebook

Robinson Irish Dance Academy is on Facebook




REMEMBER!! If you also watch on Sky, we’re now on channel 186… same time, just new channel.

Watch the Irish in the UK every Thursday night at 7.30pm on SKY 186 or Freesat 162. Repeated on Tuesday at 1 pm


To advertise in the UK section of the show please call Martin Logan 07808 573 142 alternatively email martinloganmanchester@gmail.com