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Ep 291 – The “Nearly New Year” Special! Some Highlights of 2022

To start, we’re at Worsley Park Marriott Hotel & Country Club to play a few rounds of golf with Damien Brickland from Eurogold.
Damien has sponsored Irish in the UK for the five years that it’s been on your screens.
This yearly golfing extravaganza brings together people from the construction industry and is a celebration of how the world of house building has recovered from the pandemic.
Blessed with clear skies, everybody avoided the soaking from the previous event that was organised pre-pandemic.
The whole day is organised as a fundraiser for the Hope House Hospice, a specialist care facility for terminally ill children.
With interviews from Damien Brickland, Emma Brickland Ryan and a host of construction industry specialists… and some good and not so good golf! It’s the taking part that matters!

Next, we’re joining in the St Patrick’s day celebrations in Manchester. After no parades because of Covid, we’re back in business and despite the short notice and very quick turnaround, lots of happiness and colourful floats. A really great turn out to support the people of Ukraine too. We hear from Carina O’Brien – Irish Vice Consul and Manchester’s Lord Mayor amongst others.

Down to Birmingham and we’re celebrating with the CEO of the Irish Association, Maurice Malone, who has been awarded the MBE. The great work within the community, by the Irish Association, is rewarded with a silver MBE for Maurice but we hear how team work and an amazing level of community care, from everyone, led to this great show of appreciation.

We’re back in Manchester enjoying a fantastic day of sport and sunshine. Broughton Park is hosting the 2022 Northern GAA Games. There’s plenty of Gaelic Football and Hurling And some great celebrity guests.
A fantastic family event attended by 800 young people and their families, coming from as far as Scotland in the hope of walking away with the silverware!
Organised by Sean Hopkins; GAA Vice President of Provincial Council of Britain , we get to talk to Kevin Moran; formerly of Dublin/Manchester United, Andy Burnham; Mayor of Greater Manchester, Carina O’Brien from the Irish Consulate and Shadow Minister for Sport, Jeff Smith..
Slap on the Factor 50 and enjoy the summer sunshine!

Then we’re off to the fantastic St Patrick’s Day celebrations in Nottingham. Not a parade but a city centre spectacular with lots of song, lots of dance and lots of dignitaries.
This fantastic event, organised and hosted by Gerry Molumby clearly had the blessing of St Patrick as the sun shone throughout!
Performances from John McNicholl, Nottingham Comhaltas, Louis Walsh, Kelly’s Heroes, McManus School of Irish Dancing and Glendarragh Dance Academy.
With Gerry hosting, we hear from the Lord Mayor, the Sheriff of Nottingham (no sign of Robin Hood), Pat Murphy from the Notts Irish Centre and Isobel O’Connor from the Irish Embassy.
Sit back and enjoy the celebrations with St Patrick from warmer days!

And finally, we’re at Hendon Golf Club for the 31st fundraising day in support of the Galway Outreach Support Organisation, run by Brian Boylan.
This organisation looks after those in the Irish community that for whatever reason, need an extra helping hand. Brian Boylan supports them, providing meals and helping with everyday things, such as completing forms. The Galway Association has supported this cause and many others since its early days.
Today’s annual golfing event brings over 100 people together for a round of 18 holes, starting and finishing at the 19th!
Amongst prizes to be won is the Sean Burke Cup, given out to the best performing player on the day. Sean and his brother Bobby, were founder members of the Galway Association in London. Sadly, Sean passed in 2020.
Lots of golf at all levels, chats with the team behind it all and some great aerial views, it’s a fabulous watch.

From Martin, Annette and all the team that support The Irish in the UK,
We wish you a Very Happy, Holy and Prosperous New Year!

For more information…
Hope House Hospice… https://www.hopehouse.org.uk
Eurogold… https://www.euro-gold.co.uk
Irish World Heritage Centre… iwhc.com
For Justine Ward-Mallinson School of Irish Dancing, search for Ward-Mallinson Dance on Facebook
Birmingham Irish Association and Dementia Care… www.birish.org.uk
GAA… www.gaa.ie
GAA Lancashire can be found on Facebook
Worsley Park Marriott Hotel & Country Club… https://www.marriott.co.uk/hotels/travel/mangs-worsley-park-marriott-hotel-and-country-club
John McNicholl on social media @johnmcnichollofficial · Musician
Kelly’s Heroes… kellysheroes.co.uk
For the Irish Centre and dancing schools around Nottingham, go to nottinghamirishcentre.org
The Galway Association can be found here… www.galwayassociationlondon.com
REMEMBER!! If you also watch on Sky, we’re now on channel 186… same time, just new channel.
Watch the Irish in the UK every Thursday night at 7.30pm on SKY 186 or Freesat 162. Repeated on Tuesday at 1 pm

To advertise in the UK section of the show please call Martin Logan 07808 573 142 alternatively email martinloganmanchester@gmail.com