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Ep 296 – The Amazing Taaliyah Bates Dances and the Nottingham Shamrock Club

In Part 1… We’re in Huddersfield meeting 12 years old Taaliyah Bates. She’s a late starter to Irish dancing, only putting on her shoes in August 2022 but already has mastered many complex dances. What makes it a challenge for Taaliyah is that she’s blind. Working with her dance teacher Rebecca Kane, Taaliyah has learnt complex steps despite not being able to see them. Inspired by her love of Irish music, Taaliyah has gone from strength to strength and we talk with her about experiences in the world of lightning fast feet.

Rebecca Kane, Taaliyah’s instructor, is a highly respected dance teacher but her background lies with martial arts. We visit her studio and find out just what it takes to succeed.

In part 2… We’re off to Nottingham and to the Irish Centre. Pat Murphy takes us on a trip down memory lane. Do you remember the original Irish Centre on Derby Road? Supporting the local community since the 1960s, the Irish Centre is still going strong and for many years has run the Golden Shamrock Club, helping the more senior members of society keep in touch with weekly meetings.

Proving you’re never too old to party, it’s a lively event, and we chat to Fran Lakin and Majella Kerrigan who organise and facilitate the Shamrock’s busy schedule.


For more information…

Kane Irish dance… kaneirishdance.com

Nottingham Irish Centre… Cottinghamirishcentre.org

REMEMBER!! If you also watch on Sky, we’re now on channel 186… same time, just new channel.

Watch the Irish in the UK every Thursday night at 7.30pm on SKY 186 or Freesat 162. Repeated on Tuesday at 1 pm


To advertise in the UK section of the show please call Martin Logan 07808 573 142 alternatively email martinloganmanchester@gmail.com