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Ep 315 – GAA Northern Community Gaelic Games at Broughton Park in Manchester

This week, we’re having a few days in the sun in Manchester at the GAA Northern Community Gaelic Games. This two-day event, organised by Sean Hopkins, sees children come from all over the UK to play Gaelic football. The first day is a school event, the second a GAA club event.

This huge competition brings in hundreds of children and their families to Broughton Park, keeping traditional Irish sport alive.

Andy Burnham; Mayor of Manchester, Sarah Mangan; Consul General of Ireland and Ciaran McLaughlin; Ulster GAA President are amongst the high profile guests.

To give the event that professional feel, the children are announced on to the pitch by Alan Keegan, the Voice of Old Trafford and he joins us for a chat in part 2.

Get ready for half an hour of one of the fastest, toughest games you’ll ever play.


For more information…

Northern Community Gaelic GAAmes on Facebook

Oisín GAA Manchester can be found on Facebook


Watch the Irish in the UK every Thursday night at 7.30pm on SKY 186 or Freesat 162. Repeated on Tuesday at 1 pm


To advertise in the UK section of the show please call Martin Logan 07808 573 142 alternatively email martinloganmanchester@gmail.com