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Ep 319 – Bloomsday Celebrations in Manchester and Mosaic of Bernadette Conlon from Start Charity

In Part 1… It’s Bloomsday at the International Anthony Burgess Foundation in Manchester. This is the annual commemoration of the life of James Joyce, observed on the 16th June, the same single day that his controversial novel Ulysses takes place and is named after its protagonist, Leopold Bloom.

Andrew Biswell, the Director of the Anthony Burgess Foundation explains how Burgess, the author of Clockwork Orange, was inspired by Joyce from the age of 16, having managed to get hold of a copy of Ulysses, which at the time was banned in Britain.

Sarah Mangan from the Irish Embassy joins us to pay tribute to Ireland’s finest export and we also meet up with the High Sheriff of Greater Manchester, Mary-Liz Walker, the first Irish born person to be appointed to this role.

With music performed by David Quigley, this is a fitting tribute to one of Ireland’s greatest writers.

In Part 2… Bernadette Conlon founded the Start Charity 30 years ago. This Salford based mental health charity uses art and creativity to support people in their times of need. As a tribute to her, the charity’s staff organised the creation of a beautiful mosaic of Bernadette. We talk to Bernadette about the role of the charity and meet the mosaic artist behind this amazing piece of art, Rob Lally.

Michelle Dennett from the charity explains to us how essential the charity is, particularly in these difficult times, and how you can help them continue with their work.


For more information…

The International Anthony Burgess Foundation.. www.anthonyburgess.org

Start Charity… startinspiringminds.org.uk

Rob Lally, Mosaic Artist… rialtoceramix.co.uk


Watch the Irish in the UK every Thursday night at 7.30pm on SKY 186 or Freesat 162. Repeated on Tuesday at 1 pm

To advertise in the UK section of the show please call Martin Logan 07808 573 142 alternatively email martinloganmanchester@gmail.com