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Ep 337 – Liverpool Irish Festival and Emigrant Support Programme Funding Announcement

In Part 1… We’re in Liverpool for the launch night of the Irish Festival. Liverpool has a strong Irish connection and this 10 day event celebrates the City’s bond with those that crossed the sea to make it their home.

Even though the festival runs for 10 days, there are events outside of this both online and in person.

We meet the organisers, and hear a tribute to both Liverpool and this cultural event, from Sarah Mangan, Consul General of Ireland to the North of England.

In Part 2… We’re down in London at the Irish Embassy, meeting Seán Fleming TD,

Minister of State at the Department of Foreign Affairs. He’s in the UK to announce this year’s funding for the Emigrant Support Programme. Since 2004, this programme has assisted over 530 organisations in 37 countries, including the UK, with grants totalling over €220 million. Our associations and societies directly benefit, helping support the good work done within the Irish Community.

We meet up with some of those that the Programme supports and also hear from Martin Fraser, Irish Ambassador to the UK.

For more information…

Melody Makers provide the Traditional Music in Liverpool www.melody-makers.co.uk

Music at the Embassy from Lily Kettle

Irish in Britain… www.irishinbritain.org

Liverpool Irish Festival… www.liverpoolirishfestival.com

Watch the Irish in the UK every Thursday night at 7.30pm on SKY 186 or Freesat 162. Repeated on Tuesday at 1 pm

To advertise in the UK section of the show please call Martin Logan 07808 573 142 alternatively email martinloganmanchester@gmail.com