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Ep 347 – The Luton Irish Forum

This week, we visit the Luton Irish Forum as they “celebrate” Blue Monday; allegedly the most unhappy day of the year as all our Christmas bills are in, the weather is dark and miserable and we’re a long way from our next holiday.

Whether Blue Monday is miserable or not, the Luton Irish Forum were determined to put a smile on the face of those that either attended or had a special visit to their homes.

With cabbage and bacon lunch supplied by the Globe Pub, the day at the Forum partied along with traditional music and art and craft workshops, while those that couldn’t make it in had their lunch hand delivered.

We spoke with Noelette Hanley, CEO of the Luton Irish Forum and Nuala Ely, Activities lead and found out just how important their team of fantastic volunteers are.

We also dropped in on the home visits and caught up with some heart-warming stories of coming to England.

For more information…

The Luton Irish Forum can be found on lutonirishforum.org and all other social media

Watch the Irish in the UK every Thursday night at 7.30pm on SKY 186 or Freesat 162. Repeated on Tuesday at 1 pm

To advertise in the UK section of the show please call Martin Logan 07808 573 142 alternatively email martinloganmanchester@gmail.com