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Ep 351 – Awards at Kane Irish Dance and Cath Noone’s 50 years of Volunteering

In Part 1… We’re in Huddersfield with Rebecca Kane, of Kane Irish Dance, to see her receive an Excellence in Teaching Award. Presented by the Lord Mayor of Kirklees, Cahal Burke, this award is a global recognition of excellence and clearly shows Rebecca to be at the top of her game. With live music from Michelle O’Leary and an interview with the leader of Kirklees council, Belfast born Catherine Scott, it’s a festival of “Irish-ness”.

In Part 2… Across to Manchester to meet Cath Noone and her husband Pat. Cath has been a volunteer for the last 50 years and has given so much to the local community. Her and Pat have many stories to tell about moving to England and meeting up. We hear from Patrick Morrison from Irish Community Care as he explains why Cath has received a life-time achievement award and the importance of volunteering.

Fancy volunteering for Irish Community Care in Manchester? Call 0161 205 9105

For more information…

Kane Irish Dance is on Facebook and kaneirishdance.com

Irish Community Care Manchester is on Facebook and www.irishcommunitycare.com

Watch the Irish in the UK every Thursday night at 7.30pm on SKY 186 or Freesat 162. Repeated on Tuesday at 1 pm

To advertise in the UK section of the show please call Martin Logan 07808 573 142 alternatively email martinloganmanchester@gmail.com