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Ep 381 – The Council of Irish County Associations, London, celebrates 70 years

This week we’re at the Mazenod Social Club in Kilburn celebrating 70 years of the Council of Irish County Associations.

Since its foundation in 1954, the organisation has worked with Irish associations throughout London and across the UK promoting and embracing welfare, culture, sport, music and social activities.

We meet the people behind CICA and look to the future of the organisation.

An evening of music and dance and a great insight into the fabric that binds Irish associations together.

For more information…

CICA can be found on Facebook or search CICA London

The Mazenod is on Facebook

If you also watch the Irish in the UK on SKY, we are changing channel from 9th October 2024.

We will be moving from 186 to 179.

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Watch the Irish in the UK every Thursday night at 7.30pm on SKY or Freesat 162. Repeated on Tuesday at 1 pm

To advertise in the UK section of the show please call Martin Logan 07808 573 142 alternatively email martinloganmanchester@gmail.com