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Ep 387 – Galway Association London celebrates its 61st Dinner Dance

This week we’re at the Galway Association London’s 61st Dinner Dance for a loud and lively evening of music and dance.

Securing their future with the younger generation, the association dances on into the night with a soundtrack provided by the Peppered Aces.

At an evening hosted by Aisling Edwards, we meet all the key players that make the association the success that it is.

The evening celebrates all things Irish and we hear from Sean Connolly representing the Irish Embassy, and meet up with Michael Corcoran as he becomes Galway Person of the Year.

For more information…
The Peppered Aces and the Galway Association London can be found on Facebook.
Ella & Jo cosmetics… ellaandjo.co.uk

Watch the Irish in the UK every Tuesday night at 8.00 pm on SKY 588, Youtube and Facebook.

To advertise in the UK section of the show please call Martin Logan 07808 573 142 alternatively email martinloganmanchester@gmail.com