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Ep 400 – Daniel O’Donnell in Blackburn and Liverpool Irish Festival

In Part 1… To help us celebrate our 400th episode, we’re in Blackburn with Daniel O’Donnell. This special event is organised by Bernie Doherty and is a up close and personal evening with Ireland’s best loved performer.

Bernie has run this evening of entertainment for many years and as well as Daniel O’Donnell, we get to see Shawn Cuddy and Effie Neill.

With some fabulous Irish dancing from Faith Doherty, this is a great opportunity to meet Daniel personally.

In Part 2… We’re at the Liverpool Irish Festival for a great evening celebrating all things Irish.

With live music from the Melody Makers and performances from the George Ferguson School of Irish Dance, it’s even more opportunity to tap along.

We talk with Emma Smith, the director of the festival and enjoy the amazing surroundings of the Palm House in Sefton Park.

For more information…

Daniel O’Donnell… danielodonnell.org

Liverpool Irish Festival… liverpoolirishfestival.com

Watch the Irish in the UK every Tuesday night at 8.00 pm on SKY 588, Youtube and Facebook.

To advertise in the UK section of the show please call Martin Logan 07808 573 142 alternatively email martinloganmanchester@gmail.com