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Episode 231 The Embassy of Ireland in London, Daniel Coyle, Head Teacher and Marian Waldron singing!

This week, we’re at the Embassy for Ireland in London for some big announcements, then onto Newman Catholic College to meet the Head teacher, Daniel Coyle and Marian Waldron sings for us.

In Part 1… Colm Brophy TD, Minister of State for Overseas Development Aid and the Diaspora unveils a big spending grant from the Irish Government to support community projects in the UK. Along with Adrian O’Neill, Ambassador of Ireland to the UK, they explain how Irish communities have supported each other over the last few years and now Ireland is supporting them.
Colm Brophy explains that Ireland will be open for business this Christmas!

In Part 2… Daniel Coyle is Head Teacher at Newman Catholic College in London. His college has always been a safe and welcoming place for refugee children and he has made fantastic efforts at integrating them into UK society. Now he’s working with the Constantinian Charitable Trust to help schools in Beirut. They have a massive fundraising task ahead!

Also, Marian Waldron sings us out with her new song, Keep it Country.

For more information…
To Be Irish at Christmas… tobeirish.ie
Newman Catholic College… ncc.brent.sch.uk
Constantinian Charitable Trust… constantinian.com
Marian Waldron… marianwaldronmusic.co.uk

Watch the Irish in the UK every Thursday night at 7.30pm on SKY 191 or Freesat 162. Repeated on Tuesday at 1 pm

To advertise in the UK section of the show please call Martin Logan 07808 573 142 alternatively email martinloganmanchester@gmail.com