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The Irish in the UK – Ep 242- Movema Dance and Coffee 4 Craig

This week…

In Part 1, we’re in Liverpool to meet Maria Malone. She’s one of the founders of Movema Dance Company. She’s an amazing traditional Irish dancer but also is experienced in Bollywood styles, having appeared in films and adverts from India.
Maria talks about her inspirations for setting up the company and we see her dance and sing. She’s also part of Saltcutters dance Band, accompanying Mikey Kenney.
Maria also shows us a preview of her Liverpool/Celtic inspired performance.
She’s an amazing talent!

In Part 2, it’s across to Manchester to meet Risha Lancaster. Risha founded Coffee 4 Craig, a provider for the homeless of Manchester. Giving home-cooked meals, access to medics, showers, advice and most importantly a team of friendly compassionate faces.
Risha’s brother Craig died homeless on the streets of Cardiff. Out of the tragedy, the formed Coffee 4 Craig.
Their motto “Never look down on someone unless you’re handing them a coffee” promotes the care and compassion that Risha and the team deliver to those rough sleeping.
Coffee 4 Craig needs support and the show highlights their brilliant work and how you can help.

For more information
Movema Dance Company… movema.co.uk
Coffee 4 Craig on all social media platforms @coffee4craig and coffee4craig.org
Risha at coffee 4 Craig.. risha@coffee4craig.co.uk & 07973 955 003
For fundraising, contact.. elle@coffee4craig.co.uk

Watch the Irish in the UK every Thursday night at 7.30pm on SKY 191 or Freesat 162. Repeated on Tuesday at 1 pm

To advertise in the UK section of the show please call Martin Logan 07808 573 142 alternatively email martinloganmanchester@gmail.com